Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism
at Brandeis University
i n v e s t i g a t i o n s

Human Trafficking Stories
from Boston to Bangkok
Photo | 承燁 韓
Sex Trafficking from
Bangkok to Boston
Photo | 承燁 韓
WGBH Boston Public Radio
By Phillip Martin
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Special Report: Human Trafficking
"Underground Trade: From Boston to Bangkok" is a WGBH eight-part investigation by Schuster Institute Senior Fellow Phillip Martin into human trafficking, from East Asia to New York to New England.
Part 2:
The Route Through Queens
WGBH Investigations reports: Queens, New York is emerging as an epicenter of human trafficking in the United States, and immigration is the key reason why. Phillip Martin takes a closer look at the polyglot population that makes this New York borough an ideal place for the trade in human beings and how that affects Boston.
Listen to the broadcast, "The Route Through Queens," at WGBH Boston Public Radio.
Migration and Human Trafficking
Trafficking 101 is an animation describing how, in the act of migration, some individuals may get trapped into exploitative circumstances which, at the most extreme, result in slavery. It was created by Matt Friedman for the United Nations Inter-Agency Project on Human Trafficking.
Part 1 : Hiding in Plain Sight
2 : The Route Through Queens
3 : The Business of Trafficking
6 : Trading in Shame
7 : Modern-Day Slavery in America
8 : Human Trafficking: What Now?
Special Report: Human Trafficking Underground Trade: From Boston to Bangkok is an eight-part investigation into human trafficking from East Asia to the Northeast Corridor of the United States by
Phillip Martin, senior investigative reporter at WGBH Boston Public Radio and a senior fellow at the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism at Brandeis University.
The WGBH investigation was done in collaboration with the International Center for Journalists, the Ford Foundation, and the Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism.
The series will broadcast Tuesdays and Thursdays through January.
Claire Pavlik Purgus, Schuster Institute managing editor, conceptualized, designed and edited this site which provides supporting documentation and context for WGBH Radio's human trafficking investigation, "Underground Trade: From Boston to Bangkok" and
PBS American Experience's
"The Abolitionists."
Sophie Elsner, Schuster Institute research editor, supervised research by Brandeis students who work as Research Assistants at the Schuster Institute.
More Schuster Institute
Students who contributed research:
Sidra Ahmed
David Altman
Damiana Andonova
Simon Cramer
Lydia Emmanouilidou
Dafna Fine
Ariel Glickman
Shafaq Hasan
Elly Kalfus
Lindi Li
Alisa Partlan
Avi Snyder
Andrew Wingens
Madeline Ziff