Schuster Institute for Investigative Journalism
at Brandeis University
i n v e s t i g a t i o n s

Our investigation reveals that some palm oil--the most widely used vegetable oil in the world--is produced with slave labor. Palm oil is in all the products above, and many more.
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Palm Oil Industry's Response
to Alleged Human Rights Abuses and other Criticisms
The Push for Sustainable Palm Oil
Each year the RSPO asks its members to submit their time bound plans (TBP) for achieving 100% certified sustainable palm oil in their supply chains, production, and sales.
The table below shows time bound plans for RSPO member Growers reported as of July 2013.
Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
Delegates (above) are pictured at the eighth annual Roundtable Meeting on Sustainable Palm Oil (RT8) held in Jakarta in November 2010. The Roundtable gathering each year is the world's largest meeting about sustainable palm oil production where stakeholders from government, private sector, and human rights and environmental organizations get together to discuss how to tackle the challenges of producing sustainable palm oil.
Green Prospect Asia dedicated its September 2011 monthly magazine to the business of palm oil.

Download the data as Excel>
Annual Communications of Progress retrieved from RSPO on June 21, 2013.
Growers who did not report are shaded green in the bottom section of the above chart
On this page
RSPO member processors & traders reported schedules for converting to CSPO
Links to other sections
Forced Labor on
Palm Oil Plantations
From Palm Fruit
to Product
Human Rights Abuses & Other Controversies
Palm Oil Industry Response
RSPO Members'CSPO Commitments:
1 | Growers <
3 | Consumer Goods
4 | Retailers